How Do You Know If a Wall Crack is Serious?

A Guide to Knowing if You Need Wall Crack Repair

It’s the summer season, and while many of us are spending a lot of time outside, some of us prefer the cooler temperatures indoors. A long afternoon lounging on the couch watching TV might lead you to notice cracks in the wall. They might be small, diagonal, spiderwebbed, or some other combination. However, in most cases, wall cracks are not a sign that the wall needs spackled and painted for minimal wall crack repair but that further issues are happening with foundation repair and you need to get them checked out.

Types of Cracks and What They Mean

There are several different types of cracks. These cracks can mean anything from “don’t worry about it” to “serious foundation problems.” Take a look at some of the cracks mentioned and see if they match up with what you’re experiencing. There are many more different types of cracks, but these are the most common that you will see in your home and what they mean.

This image is an example of foundation cracks that may need wall crack repair in Charlotte, NC

Horizontal Crack: Horizontal cracks are usually caused by bowing walls. The wall will have a, usually large, horizontal or slightly diagonal crack across the place that is being pushed against. This is a serious issue, and it can cause instability and unsafe conditions if left unchecked.

Vertical Crack: Vertical cracks are mostly due to settlement of the home. When they expand and become wider, they become something that you should start worrying about. Normal settlement of a home is expected by builders, but some settlement can be dangerous to the structural integrity of your home. When you have cracks like this, it suggests the latter.

Diagonal Crack: These cracks are also due to settlement, and mean that one area is sinking quicker than the rest which will eventually cause cracking. This is not an issue that you should try to fix yourself. Always call a professional for help.


Stair Step Crack: Stairs step cracks are mostly due to settlement as well, and they can mean trouble with waterproofing if they’re in your basement. The cause of these is foundation damage as well, and they should not be spackled as a quick fix.

Spiderweb Crack: This crack means the home is older and it is beginning to deteriorate. As we know, old homes will not last forever if we don’t take care of them. When you see cracks like this, you may not need to act immediately, but keep it in the back of your mind that this has become an issue that will eventually need to be resolved–preferably sooner than later as it could cause other problems in the home.

Causes of Cracks

The causes of cracks can vary. In some cases with wall crack repair, it’s just that. There is a small crack in the wall due to normal, expected settlement of the home that can be painted over with no worry. However, that is not usually the case with most cracks. How do you know which is safe and which isn’t? You can try the DIY approach of measuring to see if the crack has gotten bigger each day, or you can call in a professional like Tar Heel Foundation Solutions for a free estimate of the problem.

In the case of foundation damage as a cause for the need for wall crack repair, it can be caused by things like settlement of the foundation, roots growing into the foundation, hydrostatic pressure against the home due to waterlogged, dense soil pushing against the home, or other reasons. It depends on your specific situation as to how it can be resolved.

If you’re having trouble with wall crack repair, it’s time to call the professionals at Tar Heel Foundation Solutions. We can get you set up with a free estimate and get you on your way to a foundation damage-free home that is safe, comfortable, and great to live in. Give us a call today to get started.

To learn more about the services we provide at Tar Heel Foundation Solutions, we encourage you to visit our YouTube channel! If you are interested in our services, including wall crack repair, check out our service area page.

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