Sticking Doors and Windows This Winter

We are beginning to get into the winter season in South Carolina. While South Carolina does not see much snow, it does see the effects of frost and reaches some lower temperatures throughout the winter. This means that you may be wondering if your sticking doors and windows are due to the change in weather. Maybe you tried closing your door and it stuck or maybe you tried to shut a window and it wouldn’t quite close. Is this a problem with your window or door, a problem with the weather, or something else? In this article, we’ll discuss some of the possible reasons for sticking doors and windows and what you can do to have it resolved.

sticking doors and windowsIs it the Weather or Is it a Foundation Repair Issue?

Many times people think that their sticking doors and windows are due to the changing weather. While this is actually true in some cases of high humidity with expanding wood, usually it is not the case. Whether the issue is related to your foundation, the weather, or something else, there are a few signs to look out for. If you see that there are cracks that have formed around the window sill or frame or around the door frame, this is a good indicator that your door is not sitting where it once was and could explain why it is not closing right (why you have sticking doors and windows). Do you see sloping floors, cracks in walls and ceilings, bowing walls, or gaps around windows and doors? Does your door stick all year round or does this just happen in times of high humidity? In this case, it does seem likely that it’s due to the weather. However, this could also be false assurance. How? Let’s find out.

Weather Changes the Soil Which Supports Your Home

When the ground freezes or frosts during the winter season, it will then thaw again and bring about the real damage. When it freezes, it shifts the soil which can push it up against the foundation and cause cracking, bowing, or raising. All of this shifts your home which can cause cracks, sloping floors, gaps, etc. When the soil finally thaws, it can cause damage as well because your home will be dropped back to where it was. This cycle will continue until foundation underpinning is installed deep into the soil where frost does not reach. Only then will your foundation be stable through even the coldest of soil. Still wondering if your sticking doors and windows are related to the weather or your foundation or both? It’s time to call the trusted experts at Tar Heel Foundation Solutions for a free estimate.

steel push piersHow to Resolve Sticking Doors and Windows

How to resolve your sticking doors and windows really depends on what the issue is. If the sticking doors and windows are simply a case of expanding wood with humidity, this could be an easy fix. However, when the sticking doors and windows become related to foundation repair, the possible solutions are a little more complex. At Tar Heel Foundation Solutions, we will first conduct a free estimate of your property to find out what’s going on. Once we have an idea of the situation, we will know what the best way to proceed with resolving it is. As previously mentioned, many times the best way to resolve sticking doors and windows is through foundation underpinning. Because the home may have been built on unstable or shifting soil or not had proper supports, it will need underpinning like push piers or helical piers driven deep into the ground to fully support it. These piers will not change with the weather and will keep your home safe and supported.

Not Sure What to Do? Give Us a Call!

When you have sticking doors and windows, it can be really frustrating. At Tar Heel Foundation Solutions, we want to take that worry and stress away. Call us for a free estimate, and we’ll get you on track to a solution. Contact us today to get scheduled!

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