Helical Underpinning for Foundation Settlement

Poor compaction, overloading, excessive organic material, expansive soils, and erosion are all soil-related problems that lead to foundation settlement. To combat weak soil, we use a process called helical underpinning, a solution for foundation settlement.

This infographic gives you an overview of the process of helical underpinning for foundation settlement.

The installation process is simple, and with only needing small equipment for excavation, there is minimal damage to your property. Because helical piers can be installed in almost any weather condition, and are minimally invasive, they are a favorite choice among many foundation repair contractors. Helical piers act like “screws” in the soil to permanently stabilize shifting foundations.

To install helical piers, we will excavate a small area around the outside of your foundation. When the foundation is accessible, we will begin the process of installing the piers by drilling them into the soil. Once a stable, load-bearing stratum is reached, we will connect a foundation bracket to the pier, and your home’s foundation. Finally, after the piers and brackets are in place, the small excavation sites are filled in with soil, covering up the piers. This process is fairly quick, and you won’t need to vacate the property during installation.

We use American-made helical piers, produced by one of the largest manufacturers of foundation repair products. Backed by an industry-leading 25 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty, this patented helical pier system permanently stabilizes your home’s foundation.

Interested in helical underpinning as a solution for your foundation settlement? Give us a call today or click the button below to set up an appointment for a foundation inspection!

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