Helical Piers

helical pier install tar heel

Contractors have been in the practice of installing helical piers when making foundation repairs or during utility wire applications for many years.

Only recently, however, have they begun to install them under the construction of new homes, to add further foundation stabilization.

These piers come highly recommended by engineers all across North America. They are a deep foundation element that is being used to replace applications such as spread footings and shallow poured concrete piers.

What Is A Helical Pier?

Helical piers go by many names: screw anchors, helical piles, screw piles, or helical anchors. No matter what you call them, they all do the same thing: help support and stabilize foundations.

helical pier, leaning chimney

The appearance of a helical pier resembles a large screw. The center rod can range in diameter from 1 1/2″ to 3 1/2″, depending on the need. They also range in height and the number of plates along the rod. The plates are between 6 to 16 inches in diameter and the piers can be anywhere from 10 to 120 inches in length. An experienced engineer will inspect your property and determine the best configuration for the helical pier.

Advantages of Helical Piers

Your home likely sits on active soil. We use helical piers to anchor your home to stable soil found much deeper. The use of piers limits complications because they are nearly impossible to improperly install.

We are also able to calculate the load capacity of the piers within the soil by taking measurement of the torque during installation. We will know for certain when we have drilled down far enough for the piers to level and support your foundation.

Since there is no wait time for concrete to cure, we can install the helical piers in any weather. When you call, we will work side by side with you and find the right solution for your home or business.

Many times helical piers are the best solution for your foundation repair project due to one of the following factors:

  • Ease of Installation
  • Little to No Vibration
  • Immediate Load Transfer upon Installation
  • Easily Load Tested to Verify Capacity
  • Little to No Disturbance to the Job Site

How We Install Helical Piers

foundation repair using helical piers

Helical piers are the number one sought after device for foundation repair because they can be used almost anywhere that traditional deep foundations can be used. They also are often more economical for limited-access sites and offer vibration-free and noise-free applications.

We install helical piers using a torque driver machine — often attached to a mini excavator — to drill them into the ground.

The helical piers are screwed through the many layers of soil until they secure themselves into a stable enough stratum. We closely monitor the installation through torque readings to ensure optimum capacity.

Once we have them at capacity, we will install and attach an underpinning steel foundation bracket to the piers and carefully transfer the weight of your home onto the piers. Then all that is left is to refill any excavations needed to expose the building’s foundation.

This process ensures no future sagging and shifting of your home. The piers, if installed correctly, offer a permanent foundation solution.

Due to the nature of the installation process, we can install helical piers in your North Carolina home year-round. The installation only requires small equipment, so there will be little disturbance to your home and its surroundings. 

Contact us at Tarheel Foundation Solutions for more information!

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